Nokia 1616,1800 not charging solution

 Nokia 1616,1800 not charging solution
Nokia mobile phone 1616,1800 very famous mobile have a  long time battery timing.But some time it create a problem when you connect a charger it give a message "not charging " or " charger not supported ".
Nokia 1616,1800 original battery number is BL-5CB.So when you change the battery remember this.If you insert a wrong battery number  it will show a message NOT Charging.If you have a original battery but mobile phone not charge or it show a not charger supported then you open the mobile with sample mobile phone tools and follow this diagram that is give bellow.So replace this resistance R22 and remove the charging IC you Nokia 1616,1800 not charging problem 100% solve
.For more cell phone solution and tip if you want so contact me on my email comment me on my post if like that.
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