Spice mobile phone white display solution

Spice mobile phone white display solution.

Spice mobile phone is indian mobile phone company.
last day i saw the comment on my blog thats give me a my respectable indian visiter.So friend if your mobile phone display after few scanned become a white but your mobile work properly then your mobile phone LCD is damage.If your Spice s940 when you power on mobile phone  still break and keypad not work then you open your mobile with mobile phone tools and clean all bored with MBC (mother bored cleaner).I am sure your mobile phone 100% work.If you clean the mobile phone bored but problem not solved then you clean again and re hot the UPP ic.Then you 1000% solved it.Sorry i have no diagram for this mobile because its use in only India.

If your problem solved then you comments me about this post.Is this helpful?


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