Nokia mobile n70,7610 white display solution tip

Nokia mobile n70,7610 white display solution tip
nokia n70,nokia 7610 is tow different mobile phone model but some IC n70,7610 white display problem is tow type.
First your cell phone 100% work but no display or white screen or no display no light.If your mobile phone became a no display and no light so u can change the LCD with a new one.if you mobile phone n70,7610 have a wite screen and work properly so you change the display ic.but if you don;t know where is display ic so you follow my diagram that is give you bellow.

This is nokia mobile 7610s n70 and nokia 7610 have display iC and UEM ic is you dont worry about that.You open the mobile n70 phone with sample mobile phone tools and find these IC on the bored.
Second problem is.When you start the cell phone the mobile phone LCD became white after few second and mobile restart again.You can solve this problem whith the help of diagram that is given bellow so re hot this IC with hot ear gun.
  For more information pleas contect me on my email
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