iPad and iPad 2 Stands - Just Mobile Is Leading the Way Among Manufacturers

There are hundreds of iPad and iPad 2 different stands that help in making your device more functional and comfortable to use. Actually, a large amount of the iPad cases manufactured as double as iPad stands. Just Mobile, a leading manufacturer of iPad accessories, has come out with a variety of stands for the iPad and iPad 2 that are just dominating the market. Users won't stop raving about the quality and functionality of some of Just Mobile's most popular iPad stands. Take a look at this list of the most popular Just Mobile products!

Just Mobile Slide Stand for iPad and iPad 2

Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you could just pull an iPad stand out of your back pocket? People that use their iPad on the go have this thought go through their head frequently. Just Mobile has created a cutting-edge iPad stand that is small enough to take on the go. Because of this stand's simple style, user can pull it out anywhere and put it to use in seconds. The stand actually only consists of one, solid piece of aluminum, yet still offers a variety of viewing angles! It holds the iPad and iPad 2 in both portrait and landscape position. The Just Mobile Slide Stand will cost you around $40.

Just Mobile Encore Stand for iPad and iPad 2

The Encore stand for the iPad and iPad 2 is equally exciting and functional as the slide stand. This stand is constructed out of an aluminum ring that makes up the base and also features a hinged-arm that supports the back of the iPad. This stand is popular because it offers an unlimited number of different views angle, which ensures that you can use your iPad at the optimal angle. Another important feature that the Encore stand has is its rock-hard support for typing. You can tap those keys as hard and fast as you like and your iPad won't go anywhere. The Encore stand retails for about $60.

AluPen by Just Mobile

The AluPen is actually not an iPad stand, but rather a stylus. Most people like to use a stylus in conjunction with their iPad stand. This product has been selling off the shelves like hotcakes since its release. It has a chunkier body than most stylus, making it easier to control with an increased level of precision. Many users have thrown away their popular Pogo Sketch stylus and upgraded to the AluPen. The AluPen is available in six colors and retails for about $25.

Get your Just Mobile iPad accessories before they are out of stock. GleeMobile.com is celebrating the release of these products by discounting prices. You will find the popular AluPen iPad stylus has been reduced from $24.95 to $22.95 and the Slide Stand for iPad is now only $37.99 plus free shipping!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Savannah_Groeneveld

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6134342


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